Advertise with Us

Neigh-Bours speaks to over 50 000 South African horse lovers daily through social media and our website every day.
Advertise your equestrian business, event, product, horse or tack for sale with us and you could be speaking to them too.


We ❤️ giveaways – who doesn’t love free stuff?

If you’re sponsoring a giveaway of a product or service valued at over R2000 ….
We’ll design a competition to drive people to your website, Facebook page or whatever you’d like highlighted most.
Contack … er, we mean CONTACT us now to discuss!

There are five ways to feature on Neigh-Bours:

1. List your Business
per year
FEATURE your business for just R600 per YEAR
Duration: 365 Days
At least 1 Newsletter mention per month
1 post a month on our Facebook page
Ratings & Reviews enabled
Up to 6 Photos
Built In Contact Form
Shows on all pages of the website
Add your Listing now
2. Feature your Event
for up to 90 days
FEATURE your event for just R350 on our site & socials
In our Featured event slider on the home page
On our website events calendar
Added to our Facebook events calendar
Shared on our Facebook page once a week
Feature your Event
3. Banner Advertising
per month
A quick click through to your website or Facebook page
Size: 345 x 85px Rotating ad
Position: top and bottom of all pages
Link to your website or Facebook page
Stats reports available
Get Banner Advertising
4. Featured Advertorial
per month
Got a great new product in, or a special or discount?
A FEATURED news article on the front page news slider
Four posts on our Facebook page (Over 50 000 SA riders) per month
Feature your Advertorial
5. Featured Classified Ad
once off
Got something for sale that you want to highlight?
This plan is for PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, not businesses
Stays live on the website for TWO months (free ads are only visible for one month)
Four posts on our Facebook page (Over 50 000 SA riders) per month
A FEATURED classified on the front page
Feature your Classified Ad
(Event Listings and Business Listings both have free options as well!)


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